MapCircle is a simple app that displays a regular Google Map with an overlaid
circle (or donut) having a specified radius around a Marker point.
Two ways to recenter the circle:
1. Recenter the map on your current location (use the map's "My Location"
icon), then move the center marker and circle by pressing the "Map" icon in
the actionbar.
note: On Android 6+ devices, you must give the app permission
to access your location, or the "My Location" icon won't appear in the map.
2. Long-press the marker until it turns orange, drag it to a new location,
then release.
There are two circle styles:
- Circle
- A simple circle with dark outline whose radius equals whatever value you
- Donut
- A donut whose width represents a "zone of uncertainty" (±0.5,
unless radius ≤ 0.5)
The radius can be entered as miles or kilometers.
- Choose miles or kilometers via the "settings" icon in the Actionbar
Menu (wrench icon on my Nexus 6p, might be different on other phones/ROMs).
To set the radius distance, touch the red map Marker, enter the distance
in miles or kilometers using the keypad dialog that opens, then touch "OK"
- If you enter a negative value, you'll be warned, and the absolute value
will be used instead.
- Decimal values are OK. Long decimals are preserved internally, but truncated
to 5 decimal places in the status display at the bottom to keep it neat.
There are four icons in the Actionbar Menu (left to right):
- Toggle between plain map and map overlaid on aerial/satellite view.
- Move circle (and center marker) to center of current map
- Change settings (miles/kilometers, circle/donut map type)
- Help (displays this page)
Copyright 2017